Overall target groups are the inhabitants of Wuzhishan City and its environs (population 107,000), located in the mountain interior of Hainan where a large proportion (65%) are disadvantaged minorities (Li and Miao), and, specifically, the residents of the Nanshan River waterfront. Lack of investment and increased unemployment are major problems in the town as tourists have moved to the coastal areas. The three main activities are: to upgrade the environment of the Wuzhishan City waterfront; stimulate urban tourism based on the city's cultural heritage and; establish and test a consultation and implementation framework for the five year plan.

Publications from Asia Urbs from the European Commission
Asia Urbs Programme Postal address: European Commission EuropeAid Co-operation Office Asia Urbs Programme Loi 41 02/57 B-1049 Brussels, Belgium Tel +32-(0)2-298 67 42 Fax +32-(0)2-298 48 63 Email: europeaid-asia-urbs@cec.eu.int Website: http://europa.eu.int/comm/europeaid/projects/asiVisiting address: 41 rue de la Loi. Nearest Metro Station is Arts Loi.

The Asia Urbs Programme was launched by the European Union in 1998 as an initiative in decentralised, (in this case, city-to-city) co-operation, to bring together local governments from the Member States and selected countries in Asia. Its main aim is to support the sharing of know-how in urban development between the two regions and to translate this into practical action involving local governments and their civil society partners. Each co-funded project relies on community participation for its success and sustainability. Grants are awarded to partnerships, formed by at least two local governments from the EU and at least one in Asia, to jointly undertake studies and/or two-year pilot projects addressing key urban areas. Additional funding in 2003 brought the total programme budget for project funding to € 32 million. When the Asia Urbs Programme was launched it concentrated on attracting cities interested in partnerships to undertaken urban pilot projects in Asia. By mid-2002, about 45 Projects had been approved for funding and the programme began to also address the need for networking the Projects and encouraging them to share knowledge and information.

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